Puntos Colombia: this is how we accelerated its journey toward data maturity


About the client

Puntos Colombia is a customer retention business formed in 2018 by Grupo Bancolombia and Grupo Éxito. Since then, it has established itself as an ecosystem of services in which 150 of the country's most important brands participate. 

Thanks to Puntos Colombia, today, 6.3 million Colombians accumulate points for their purchases on different platforms and can redeem them for a wide variety of benefits.

20% of the Colombian population use their service
They impact 1 out of every 3 Colombian households.
1.200 brands participate in Puntos Colombia retention ecosystem

The challenge we solved with Puntos Colombia

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Every 30 seconds, Puntos Colombia registers a new client. The company has a vast data history constantly fed with more than six million active users. 

In a month, Puntos Colombia can receive information on 18 billion transactions from its partners, a large group of companies, including the most influential brands in the retail and financial sector in the country.
In addition, Puntos Colombia obtains data from its marketplace, mobile app, and marketing system. 

Puntos Colombia's significantly large volume of information needed to be centralized to make data analysis easier and thus refine the understanding of the profile and needs of users.

To achieve this goal, we chose to build a Data Lake that integrated their sources of information. That infrastructure is the basis for a Data Warehouse that will deepen Puntos Colombia's capacity to transform data into actionable information.

Our Outcome


Data processing went from 8 hours to 30 minutes.


Puntos Colombia went from 1 segmentation model to 10.


Thanks to data analysis, personalized experiences are delivered to users constantly.

Before their Data Lake existed, Puntos Colombia only had one segmentation model. Today, the organization has over ten models, including propensity, communities, and lifestyles. This allows them to understand their users in detail and create real-time reports that generate business insights for various areas of the organization and its partners. 

The user receives personalized experiences thanks to the data detail and segmentation.


Data "lives" in the entire organization:

Through their  Data Lake and thanks to better visualization and analysis tools, Puntos Colombia pushed data analysis from being available to only one area to support the entire company's operation with different areas having efficient access to data analysis.

Now, each part of Puntos Colombia can self-manage data analysis. This decentralization is complemented by analysts who focus on applying the data strategy in specific areas. 

Reduced time and improved operational effectiveness:

When Puntos Colombia used on-premises tools for data analysis, it could take hours or days to get new business insights. Now the analysis can take 30 minutes, allowing them to make better decisions and follow up on the business more promptly. Added to this is a reduction in operating costs thanks to the centralization and optimization of data in the cloud. 

Cost efficiency:

Pragma came in to support this project thanks to its experience and on the recommendation of AWS being a partner. This allowed that, despite the novelty of the tools and frameworks used, the development progressed with an adequate talent for each challenge that arose with the project's progress.


How we did it?

Using the AWS database migration service, we created a Data Lake capable of operating without on-premise servers.

Using AWS in this project allowed us to bring large volumes of information to the Data Lake with the highest security standards in the market. We also used Amazon Redshift to convert the data into actionable, searchable real-time information. This tool allows us to accelerate processes and have structured information to respond to business needs.

This project also included solutions with AWS Lambda and other resources such as Amazon Athena and Aws Glue. 

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During this project, pragma provided teams of professionals that changed their composition as the project progressed. 
We managed seven sources of information with tables that could have up to one billion records. 
We managed seven sources of information with tables that could have up to one billion records. 
Pragma developed the data ingestion to the Data Lake of five information systems. 5 Tb of stored data (more than 1000 Million records Approx).

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